The Seattle Globalist

I joined the The Seattle Globalist in 2012 when the online news outlet was just being born out of an idea to cover international issues with local, community-centered writers.

The founders and board brought their experience as international journalists. But the baby org had yet to develop it’s personality and voice. That’s where I came in.

Over two years worth of email campaign, social posts and story framing, I developed the outlet’s voice that can be best described as a big heart with a little edge. 

But that voice only existed online. So, we dreamed up the first ever Globie Awards to bring the roar of the organization, all of it’s writers, photographers, youth and readers into a physical space.

Other highlights include: developing the first youth apprenticeship program, running four successful reporting kickstarters, leading a web design overhaul, coordinating two live streaming GiveBig fundraising campaigns with dozens of community talent, and building close relationships with dozens of writers as their editor, mentor and co-collaborator.


Story Editor, Design, Media Instructor


40,000 circulation, 200+ community writers


January 2012 – August 2014

Fully Funded Kickstarter Projects (Producer and/or Editor Role)

Graphic Design + Branding 

“Globesquatch” character design. An informal mascot for The Seattle Globalist used in a holiday email fundraising campaign.

GiveBig All-day Live Variety Show

The Globie Awards
Yours Truly